The second change I have made so far is my relationship with God. (I want everyone to know that I believe all religions are valid and no one should be persecuted for their beliefs so please...no negative comments about religion on here.) I have always been a spiritual person and was raised Catholic, though I haven't been going to Mass much lately. I realize that I need God in my life and have started going again. I have also begun praying and listening for His answers. I know this has already had an effect on my life that I cannot really describe. It is in Him that I find strength and understanding.
The third change I have made is with my health. I have slightly to moderately overweight since I was a child and have struggled with a bad self body image and low self-esteem but as I have grown into adulthood I have become more comfortable with who I am. So the day I was sitting on the couch and realized that even if I was comfortable with the way I looked that I still didn't like it and what it meant. I was living a very unhealthy lifestyle; eating all the wrong foods, never exercising, and smoking cigarettes. About two weeks ago I decided I was going to do something about it for the first time in my life. I told myself that I am a beautiful person but I am killing myself and that I had to change. So I have started a new workout program that makes me feel great and cost me hardly anything at all! I am now on a healthy eating program that teaches you how to eat well for your body. And I am now on the seventh day without a cigarette. I can't believe it! And I have lost four pounds!
I would say the most important change I have made so far in this journey is to really start loving myself and forgiving myself. This might sound silly but it has made a huge difference in the way I look at life. I have been learning to forgive myself for the mistakes I have made so I can stop punishing myself. It may seem odd but I found I was punishing myself by not going after the things I really wanted or not doing something for myself because I felt I didn't deserve it. Now I have owned my mistakes and forgiven myself for them remember that I am only human and could never even hope to make all the right choices. A weight has been lifted and I can honestly say I wake up in the morning feeling good about the day to come for the first time in I don't know how many years.
I would love to hear about how other people are making positive changes in their lives. Please comment below and share what worked for your and how your life has changed! Happy Monday!
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